It's like driving your car down the highway at 2 mph. It's like going to the movies and getting LESS than 1 fps on the screen. I don't think you fully appreciate what 1/40th entails precisely. The point is that 'I run a Mac because it's the only thing that can run MacOS X' is no longer a valid course of reasoning. It's also even more obvious given that I talked about cost. I didn't say 'MacOS X will run far faster', I said the hardware it is running on is far faster, which it is.
MacOS X can now be run on far faster and cheaper PC hardware I'm going to assume your reading was just poor and that you're not trolling and leave this thread openĪctually you should assume that your reading was poor. Now how fast does a Mac emulate Windows given the reverse of what I just said applies to it? Now when I buy a PC that runs twice the speed of a Mac at one third the price I also have a reasonable option of running MacOS X if I want. native apps competing against each other, a direct result of the hardware they run on). I don't mean emulation speed, I mean in general terms (i.e.
I'm not sure what PC you have that is going to run OS X faster than a Mac. That's not the point though - the point is that 'I run a Mac because it's the only thing that can run MacOS X' is no longer a valid course of reasoning. Weak contention - PearPC runs PPC applications at about 1/40th the speed on equivalent hardware